Practicing healthy hygiene habits can be made fun for younger students with colorful images that serve as reminders. Our Don’t Forget to Wash Your Hands Durable Rug by Sprogs® is a great visual for students to help them remember to stop the spread of germs by washing their hands throughout the school day. This large round rug displays a pair of soapy hands under running water with “germs” being washed away and around the perimeter the words “Don’t Forget to Wash Your Hands.” This durable rug is manufactured with an action backing that comes equipped with a permanent antimicrobial agent infused in it. This additive is called Force 5 and is there to prevent the growth of bacteria, mold and mildew between professional and spot cleanings. The Don’t Forget to Wash Your Hands Durable Rug is a helpful learning tool for younger students in their classrooms, outside restrooms and even in common areas throughout the school. If you are interested in learning more about the Force 5 antimicrobial, please click on the “Product PDFs” tab.