The Wiggle Seat Little Sensory Chair Cushion is an eye-catching and no-noise alternative seating option. This inflatable disc has both knobbed and smooth surfaces, and the inflation is easily adjusted to accommodate each child's needs. The Wiggle Seat Little Sensory Chair Cushion is perfect for those who need extra sensory input while doing classwork or those who need a challenge in a therapy setting with standing balance or walking. Great for those with higher sensory-seeking needs, the Wiggle Seat Little Sensory Chair Cushion is a durable, easily sanitized seating option that can be used with standard chairs or on the ground.
The Wiggle Seat Little Sensory Chair Cushion is an eye-catching and no-noise alternative seating option. This inflatable disc has both knobbed and smooth surfaces, and the inflation is easily adjusted to accommodate each child's needs. The Wiggle Seat Little Sensory Chair Cushion is perfect for those who need extra sensory input while doing classwork or those who need a challenge in a therapy setting with standing balance or walking. Great for those with higher sensory-seeking needs, the Wiggle Seat Little Sensory Chair Cushion is a durable, easily sanitized seating option that can be used with standard chairs or on the ground.