Product Spotlight

8 Benefits of Classroom Portable Sinks

Good hygiene made portable

Most plumbing fixtures are heavy, complicated and require assistance from a specialist if anything goes wrong. In schools, this often means that basic hygiene like handwashing is limited to bathrooms. Can you have a sink without plumbing? With portable sinks, the answer is a vehement and convenient yes! Portable sinks and handwashing stations allow clean water to be accessed anywhere, indoors or outdoors. These types of sinks are useful in a number of situations but in school spaces especially, the benefits are significant.

Portable sink benefits

Teachers, students and staff often find that a portable sink can enhance educational spaces beyond encouraging students to frequently wash their hands. In fact, there are eight incredible benefits to adding one to any learning environment:
  • Zero installation. As a self-contained unit, portable sinks require little set up, eliminating the added cost of hiring a plumber for installation. The components for operation are housed beneath the basin and are safely secured from tampering.
  • Mobility. Four swivel casters ensure free-standing sinks are easy to move both inside and out. Locks on the wheels keep it in place during use.
  • Customization. he range of options available for portable sinks means you only pay for what you need. Choose a portable sink with hands-free operation, a built-in soap dispenser, dual basins, splash guards, with or without hot water and more.
  • Low maintenance. Easy to follow cleaning instructions keep the sink in prime condition. Just refill the water basins when needed and your sink will be ready to go.
  • Convenience. Save time and energy during clean up after activities and projects. Handwashing stations avoid having everyone trek down the hall to use the restroom sinks.
  • Improved hygiene. Handwashing is an important first line of defense in preventing the spread of germs. With an additional sink available, more hands can be washed and kept clean.
  • Reduced traffic in crowded restrooms. Students often go to the restroom simply to wash their hands but end up creating or joining long lines. Providing access to a portable sink speeds up the handwashing process and minimizes crowding in bathrooms.
  • Clean water can be brought outside In outdoor learning environments fresh water may not be accessible. Outdoor portable sinks ensure this is not a deterrent to moving class outside.

The benefits of a portable sink are not limited to schools. Companies that host outdoor events, have buildings under renovation or have a temporary venue can enjoy the perks of using a portable sink.

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